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Use the map below as your guide to the links by areas. We are constantly welcoming new members so if there isn't a class listed near you keep checking back here. Alternitavely click here to e-mail the SDI office.
Classes in Bedfordshire, Cambs, Essex, Hertfordshire, Norfolk or Suffolk.
Classes in Derbys, Leics, Lincolnshire, Northants or Notts.
Classes in London.
Classes in Durham or Northumberland.
Classes in Cheshire, Cumbria, G. Mancs, Lancs or Merseyside.
Classes in Berkshire, Bucks, Hampshire, Kent, Oxfordshire, Surrey, East Sussex or West Sussex
Classes in Cornwall, Devon, Dorset, Gloucestershire, Somerset or Wiltshire.
Classes in Herefs, Shrops, Staffs, Wars or Worcs.
Classes in East Yorks, North Yorks, South Yorks or West Yorks.
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